Noc Anglistów
17 universities in 15 Polish cities
24 November 2023
162 events

Previous editions

The previous editions of Noc Anglistów in numbers:

2021 10 universities, 80 events
2022 15 universities, 130 events

Over 70 hours of online lectures. Many of them can be found on our Youtube channel.


Noc Anglistów is an evening full of lectures, workshops and presentations prepared by English teachers from all over Poland. This is a unique event whose main goal is to show the scientific potential of English studies in Poland and to dispel the myth that studying English is only about language learning.

Participation in all events is free for everyone, but you will be required to sign up for some events. We encourage you to follow our website and fanpage!

Information on how to sign up for live lectures (available on MS Teams/Zoom) should be available in the event description. If it's not, we assure you it is going to be updated soon. Anyone interested can also contact the event coordinator at a particular university -- contact information is available on the website.


Main organizer:
Event under the Honorary Patronage of:
McKinsey & Company
Fundacja UAM