Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski

William Shakespeare

Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych

Al. Racławickie 14
20-950 Lublin

Contact: mgr Katarzyna Łogożna Wypych

Logo KUL


Język walijski nie taki straszny / Welsh? Not scary at all!

workshopat the university
When? 18:00 - 19:30
For whom? liceum, dorośli
Where? at the university: CN 103
Language in Polish
Teachers dr Aleksander Bednarski

Warsztat w języku polskim i angielskim. Workshop in Polish and English.

Warsztaty mające na celu zaznajomienie uczestników z językiem walijskim oraz historią i kulturą Walii jako odrębnego obszaru językowo-kulturowego. Świadomość odrębności Walii, nie zawsze obecna w Polsce, przyczynia się do pełniejszego obrazu różnorodności Wysp Brytyjskich. Warsztaty pozwolą na opanowanie podstawowych zwrotów w języku walijskim oraz zrozumienie zasad wymowy i pisowni
tego języka. Obok aspektów praktycznych, w spotkaniu uwzględnione będą elementy kultury walijskiej, m.in. historia, współczesna walijskojęzyczna kultura popularna, oraz niektóre cechy walijskiego dialektu j. angielskiego.

This workshop will introduce the participants to the Welsh language and provide an overview of Welsh culture and history. The class will be dedicated to the following: quick mastering of basic phrases in the Welsh language, understanding of Welsh pronunciation and spelling rules, as well as a brief introduction to the history of Wales and its rich popular culture. The Welsh variation of English will also be demonstrated and practiced. The awareness of Wales’s separateness in terms of language, culture and identity will contribute to a fuller picture of contemporary Britain.

Zapisy: https://forms.gle/YuUVhXSBbCrKTFpz7

Curiosity Killed the Cat? On Horror in the Cabinet

lectureat the university
When? 17:00 - 18:30
For whom? liceum, dorośli
Where? at the university: CTW 114
Language in English
Teachers dr Dominika Bugno-Narecka

What are the cabinets of curiosities? What makes them popular in the 21st century? How do they reflect the spirit and the state of knowledge of the epoch? What form do they have? Can anyone become a collector? What about the horror? These are only some of questions to be answered during the lecture. We will also have a look at Guillermo del Toro, a model contemporary collector, his perception of the world and different forms of collections.

zapisy: https://forms.gle/9fcyFaKVh9wxPbVE6

”The meaning makes sense” – realistic short story discussion

lecture/discussionat the university
When? 18:30 - 19:30
For whom? liceum, dorośli
Where? at the university: CTW 114 / MS Teams
Language in English
Teachers Katarzyna Wargala, Karolina Krawczyk; Koło Naukowe Studentów Anglistyki KUL

The inspiration for this lecture is the class from “Theory of Literature” and “English Literature from XX and XXI century”. You will learn the main characteristics of realism in literature and get the look at the story made by the group of students.
The aim of the lecture is to analyse a short story “The train number 2011” and at the same time meet authors of the text and discuss the story briefly. Asking questions, thinking and comparing facts together will be necessary and welcome to create your own interpretation of the text.

Zapisy: https://forms.gle/Eh3jtTVPGxP3BNL68

Link do spotkania online: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/message/19:012292dc-2ad9-41e4-9c38-a45754cc1055_2a3f33ac-3f0d-49e7-9f74-136a9ff863e1@unq.gbl.spaces/1699787590159?context=%7B%22contextType%22%3A%22chat%22%7D

Entirely too many -isms. How to begin studying literary theory and make sense of it

When? 18:00 - 19:00
For whom? liceum, dorośli
Where? online: MS Teams
Language in English
Teachers dr Jerzy Skwarzyński

Structuralism, postmodernism, ecocriticism, cultural materialism… An abundance of literary theories makes many a student’s head spin. But what even is a theory? What does this word mean in the context of literary studies? Why can’t anyone fully and clearly define Marxist theory in a neat paragraph – or even a book? Is it possible to agree on what the word “feminism” really means?

The point of this lecture is not to define any of the -isms. After all, if it was possible to do it in the course of a 1-hour lecture it would mean that they are not that tricky to grasp. Instead, I am going to propose how to read and think about them, how to discuss them and, finally, how to write about them. This may be especially useful for the first-year students of English philology and for those who will deal with literary analysis as a part of their BA and MA seminars.

Zapisy: https://forms.gle/FAPdsczsEns3V7LJ7

Link do spotkania: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Y2Y2NGY1YTUtMmFiNS00YjAyLWI1N2UtZGVmNWU0NjMyNTc4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22be317277-3672-487f-8f68-2059ad90b435%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22012292dc-2ad9-41e4-9c38-a45754cc1055%22%7d

Magic in Medieval Manuscripts

no places leftlectureat the university
When? 13:00 - 14:00
For whom? liceum, dorośli
Where? at the university: CTW 113
Language in English
Teachers dr Joanna Grzybowska

Can you encounter spells in medieval manuscripts? Do medieval illuminations contain supernatural elements? These are some of the questions that we are going to answer during this presentation. We will discuss not only magical elements present in medieval manuscripts, but also their role and significance in medieval England.

Medieval Escape Room

no places leftworkshopat the university
When? 11:30 - 12:30
For whom? szkoła podstawowa: klasa 7-8, liceum
Where? at the university: CTW 113
Language in English
Teachers dr Joanna Grzybowska

During the meeting, students will be asked to solve several puzzles connected with medieval England. For example, they will be asked to read a medieval manuscript and find equivalents for some modern English words in it.

What's inside medieval manuscripts?

no places leftlectureat the university
When? 12:00 - 13:00
For whom? szkoła podstawowa: klasa 7-8, liceum
Where? at the university: CTW 302
Language in English
Teachers Maja Hordyjewicz, Koło Naukowe Studentów Anglistyki KUL

This interactive lecture is aimed primarily at English language lovers interested in exploring the world of medieval manuscripts! At the meeting, the participants will discover the origins of the ‘Book of Hours’ and find out why it was a medieval bestseller in many European countries, become familiar with Middle English orthography, and learn what abbreviations are and what you should do with them. Additionally, together we will consider how technology can facilitate work with medieval texts. We will also try to read fragments of a fourteenth-century English manuscript!

Unsolvable head-scratchers – possibly unsolvable translation problems

no places leftworkshopat the university
When? 13:30 - 15:30
For whom? liceum
Where? at the university: CTW 114
Language in English
Teachers dr Jerzy Skwarzyński

There are texts that seem so hard to translate that some say it is impossible to do so. Would you like to give it a go?

During this workshop, you will face a formidable translation task: rendering one of the most challenging English literary texts into Polish. The text is a novel for children that you probably have read or at least heard about; nevertheless, the title will remain a secret until the session starts. After trying to transform selected passages into Polish, we will conclude with looking at published translations of that text – and decide who did a better job.

The point of the workshop is to make you show off your creativity and problem-solving skills, to develop your critical thinking, and, most importantly, to let you experience and discuss difficulties and joys of translating fiction.

How can we analyse speech?

no places leftworkshopat the university
When? 15:00 - 16:30
For whom? dorośli
Where? at the university: CN
Language in English
Teachers mgr Mariola Kaszycka

This workshop will provide students with an opportunity to get hands-on training in the acoustic analysis of speech.
In this workshop, we will use Praat to look at waveforms and spectrograms to identify the phonemes, the consonant and vowel sounds, in an utterance.
The purpose of the lab is to help you learn to use Praat, a speech analysis software, to recognise the acoustic structure of speech and find the main acoustic differences between Polish and English sounds systems.